Pink roses and white lilies cube in Houston, TX

Pink roses and white lilies cube


Lush, gentle and adorable are the first things that come to my mind looking at this elegant combination of pink roses and white lilies. Its compact style makes it a wonderful gift to be sent to the office. It makes a great centerpiece for a baby shower or anniversary dinner. From office desk to kitchen counter, this adorable cube of pink roses and white lilies is an impressive yet affordable floral gift. Pink roses and white lilies cube is available for same day or next day delivery in our local delivery area

Flowers: pink roses, white lilies; Not so small print: shade of roses varies seasonally 

Approximate overall size: 7" W x 7" H small;

Size and upgrade: Images and listed sizes are approximate representations of the product and may not always be to scale. Any product where an upgrade is purchased will be increased by the dollar value of the upgrade. Each upgrade is unique to the arrangement, and generally stands for more flowers and/or a fuller overall look.

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