The standing spray: Memorial flowers that make a statement
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June 8th, 2017
Flowers have been used in funeral rites for tens of thousands of years. At a modern funeral, it is not unusual to see more than a dozen different arrangements of plants and flowers. One of the most common, and most visually striking, is the standing spray.
A standing spray is a vertical, relatively flat arrangement of flowers that are designed to be displayed and viewed on an easel. Standing sprays are quite large, typically ranging from 1 to 3 feet in diameter, and are often arranged in the shape of a diamond, heart or cross. "Spray" is an appropriate name for this arrangement, as most include tendrils of flowers and leaves that seem to burst and cascade out from the center.
Standing sprays often contain a mix of flowers and greens, with longer leafy stems flowing out to create its distinctive shape. Lilies and roses of various colors are commonly used in standing sprays.
Because of their flat shape, standing sprays can include a brief message or term of endearment in their center. For example, you will often see a scripted banner reading "Father," "Mother," or "With Sympathy" placed in the center of the arrangement. A standing spray can also be used to frame a photograph of the deceased or another image representing them or their interests, such as a heart, cross or a symbol of their profession.
If a coworker, close relative of a friend, or a distant relative of your family passes away, a standing spray is typically the kind of floral arrangement you should send to the funeral home. Standing sprays are extremely versatile and can be done in a number of different shapes, sizes, colors and patterns, depending on the age, gender, and personality of the deceased. If you would like a consultation on what kind of funeral flower arrangement is most appropriate for your needs and relation to the deceased, please don't hesitate to contact us.
- Laurel