Tending Your Garden: The Many Benefits of Growing Food
Posted by scentandviolet on April 20, 2020
Gardening has long been one of humanity’s most soothing pastimes. It’s estimated that one in three American households grow their own food. This number is increasing which is a good trend since gardening has been shown to positively impact your physical and mental health. For some tips on how to create your own garden, read on.
How to send flowers to someone
Posted by scentandviolet on January 30, 2020
How to send flowers to someone (anyone)
15 Prettiest Native Flowers for Houston
Posted by scentandviolet on January 11, 2020
The appeal of native plants is no longer overlooked or dismissed, and we are slowly recognizing their role in creating a beautiful, flourishing garden whilst conserving our natural resources. Native Texas flowers grow much better in the Texas climate, attract beneficial birds, insects, and wildlife. They can make up a beautiful, freshly picked bouquet for your table.
Large number of native plants is best propagated by seeds. We found that the best time to plant Native Texas Seeds is October-November >>>>
Lets take a look into some of the most attractive plants growing in our area.
1. Eastern Purple Coneflower - Echinacea purpurea
The coneflower is a popular Texan flower. This particular species has a lustrous cone-shaped center with lavender colored petals leading downward. It is the perfect plant to have in your flowerbed because it’s a butterfly magnet that blooms profusely through spring and summer. It also does remarkably well when cut, since the tall blooms will last about a week before drooping.
2. Black-Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta
Another type of coneflower, the black-eyed Susan gets its name from its black center. Its petals are a sunshiny yellow and also bend downward. It’s perennial, meaning that it will return year after year. As an extra perk, it’s drought tolerant and can be as large as five inches in diameter. They’re perfect for brightening up the kitchen table when cut.
3. Texas Lantana - Lantana urticoides
The yellow and orange mixture of blossoms that grow on the Texas Lantana plant are perfect for attracting butterflies. They’re also great for coastal areas since they’re both drought and salt tolerant. They bloom all summer long and will help keep pesky deer away from your flowerbed.
4. Red Turk’s Cap - Malvaviscus drummondii
These hibiscus-like flowers blossom all over an attractive shrub. They are pretty little blooms with overlapping petals that never fully open, and antennae-like stamen that protrude from the top. They fair well in the shade, making them perfect for enhancing the dirt area surrounding your trees.
Holiday delivery schedule
Posted by scentandviolet on December 16, 2019
Holiday Delivery deadlines effective 12/17/2019
Easy Ways to Bring Gardening Indoors in Cooler Weather
Posted by scentandviolet on November 7, 2019
Cooler weather is just around the corner (or maybe for you it is already here), but that doesn’t mean your green thumb stops itching. Many gardeners plant and grow year round, and not just those who live in more temperate climates.
Don’t let the cold months stop you from keeping a garden in bloom. Consider bringing the outside inside—whether you carve out a space in your garage, build a shed or transform a spare room. Here are a few DIY ideas to help you bring cool-weather gardening inside.